Sacred Music: Children's Choirs
Syllabus ID: 1.24
Competition: Father Bewerunge Memorial Cup. Competitors must be under 13 years of age. Minimum 16, maximum 75 voices.
1st Prize: Cup
Test Pieces 2025(a) Own Choice (Accompanied or unaccompanied) Limited to settings of a sacred text. May include Gregorian Chant
(b) Bob Chilcott: Be Thou My Vision (Oxford)
Please ensure that all own choice pieces are submitted at time of entry, as no change of repertoire will be allowed after competition entry deadline.
View page 1 of the test piece below for referenceThe winner of this competition is eligible to compete for the Folens Publishers' Choir of the Year. See competition 1.01 for changes to this award from 2024.
Entrance Fees: €70.00
Venue: RDS Concert Hall via Anglesea Rd
Adjudicator: Richard Yarr