As it is not currently possible to hold live events, we have taken the decision to move Feis Ceoil 2021 entirely online.
You will find below our guidelines for this year's festival
- Video entries are to be submitted
- Acoustic pianos must be used for all piano competitions
- If your competition states #'Official accompanist must be used'; a recording by the official accompanist of the relevant test piece(s) in mp3 format will be provided to you (in the competitor portal, on by 26th February, and it must be used for your video
- See further guidelines on following pages for each instrument and their specific test piece requirements
- You will be advised of the deadline by which you must submit your entry video. (No submission will be required earlier than March 10th. Once the schedule has been finalised, each competitor will be advised of their specific deadline)
- The schedule of competitions will be drawn up and published on
- Each competition will be allocated to a specific day during the Feis (15th to 26th March).
All videos for this competition will be live on our website ( on that day, so that the public and the adjudicator may view them - in all junior competitions, while both audio and video will be available to the adjudicator, only audio will be available to the general public
- The adjudication on each competition will be uploaded to our website by noon the following day
- Mark sheets will be scanned and emailed to competitors as soon as they have been returned by the Adjudicator
- Hard copies of mark sheets will be posted to competitors on request and on receipt of an SAE
- Certificates and medals will be posted out to all winners and commended competitors after the Feis
- Cups and trophies will not be sent to winners, but will be engraved at the expense of Feis Ceoil in advance of Feis 2022, so that all winners continue to be recorded
- All competitors will receive a participation certificate (separate to a commendation certificate) to commemorate our 125th Feis in these extraordinary circumstances!
- Winners names will be posted on the Winners section of our website as in other years
Privacy Protection and Security
- Videos will be taken down at the end of each day
- Comments, sharing and downloading of videos will be disabled
- In junior competitions only audio will be made available to the general public
How to Upload a Video
Guidelines for recording and submitting your entry
The candidate must introduce themselves at the beginning of the video, slowly and clearly stating their name and the competition name.However, a parent/guardian/teacher may introduce on their behalf.
The competitor and relevant instrument must be in full camera view throughout the performance.
For competitions where we state in the Syllabus 'competitors must use the official accompanist', the competitor must use the recorded piano accompaniment (mp3) provided by us and this can be downloaded from the competitor's portal on
When practising, please ensure the volume of the accompaniment and your own volume are balanced.
In all competitions where it is stated in the syllabus 'competitor must provide their own accompanist' - live accompaniment or pre-recorded accompaniment by your accompanist/répétiteur may be used.
- Record from an appropriate distance, eg 1.5 metres
- An iPhone, Android phone, tablet or camera may be used - please ensure that it is on a stable surface
- Device settings: On your phone, navigate to settings for your camera. Ensure the recording quality is set to '720p 30 fps'
- Ensure that the device is on airplane mode during recording to avoid sound interference
- Ensure that a separate device is being used to play any accompaniment and the sound balance has been checked.
- The competitor's face, hands and instrument must be visible during the entire recording
- Submission must be recorded in one unedited take
- Edited videos (any visual or audio enhancement) will be deemed inadmissible
- Save the file in Mp4 or .mov format and upload to your portal at
Guidelines for Vocal Competitions
In the following Senior and Junior Vocal competitions, there will be no recalls in 2021, so competitors are required to sing test piece (a) only:
- 2.04 Junior Vocal Duet (B)
- 3.22 Soprano Solo
- 3.23 Mezzo soprano Solo
- 3.24 Contralto Solo
- 3.25 Tenor Solo
- 3.26 Baritone Solo
- 3.27 Bass Solo
- 4.04 Boys Vocal Solo
- 4.05 Boys Vocal Solo (Treble)
- 4.07 Girls Vocal Solo (A)
- 4.08 Girls Vocal Solo (B)
- 4.09 Girls Vocal Solo (C)
- 4.10 Girls Vocal Solo (D)
In the following competitions, recordings will be provided in high, medium and low keys by the accompanist. This recording must be used:
- 4.07 Girls Vocal Solo (A)
- 4.08 Girls Vocal Solo (B)
- 4.09 Girls Vocal Solo (C)
- 4.10 Girls Vocal Solo (D)
Competitors are to sing both own choice pieces, in competitions:
- 2.05 Amhrán Beirte/Amhrán Tríréid
- 4.06 Buachaillí
- 4.11 Cailíní (A)
- 4.12 Cailíní (B)
In competition 3.05 Percy Whitehead Cup, there will be no recalls in 2021, so competitors are required to submit one (a) piece and one (b) piece and a third of their choice from (a) or (b).
In competition 3.14 The Dramatic Cup & Quigley Awards, there will be no recalls in 2021, so competitors are required to submit both arias in their video.
In competition 4.13 Junior Musical Theatre, competitors are to sing their own choice piece, using the pre-recorded accompaniment provided by us.
Guidelines for duo/ensemble competitions:
- 2.03 Junior Vocal Duet (A)
- 2.04 Junior Vocal Duet (B)
- 2.05 Amhrán Beirte / Amhrán Triréid
- 2.06 Veronica Dunne Cup
- 4.01 The Kitty O'Callaghan Trophy
- 6.01 Elsner Cup
- 6.02 Rhoda Coghill Cup
- 6.03 Chamber Music Cup
- 6.04 Junior Chamber Music Cup
- 6.05 Contemporary Irish Music Cup
- 6.06 Family Ensemble
Composite videos will be accepted in cases where duos and ensembles cannot get together to record because of Covid-19 restrictions.
Guidelines for Solo String competitions
In the following competitions where we have set two test pieces (a) and (b), both are to be played:
- 7.03 Senior Violin
- 7.04 Senior Viola
- 7.07 Senior Violoncello
- 7.08 Double Bass
- 7.13 Senior Harp (Concert)
- 8.03 Junior Violin (A)
- 8.04 Junior Violin (B)
- 8.05 Junior Violin (C)
- 8.06 Junior Violin (D)
- 8.07 Junior Violin (E)
- 8.08 Junior Viola (A)
- 8.09 Junior Viola (B)
- 8.10 Junior Violoncello (A)
- 8.11 Junior Violoncello (B)
- 8.12 Junior Violoncello (C)
- 8.13 Junior Violoncello (D)
- 8.14 Junior Violoncello (E)
- 8.18 Junior Harp
- 8.19 An Chruit (A)
- 8.20 An Chruit (B)
- 8.21 An Chruit (C)
In the following Guitar competitions where test piece (a) is specified by Feis Ceoil and (b) is 'own choice', then both those pieces are to be played:
- 7.10 Classical Guitar
- 8.15 Junior Classical Guitar (A)
- 8.16 Junior Classical Guitar (B)
- 8.17 Junior Classical Guitar (C)
Guidelines for Senior and Junior Pianoforte competition
For competition 9.01 The Morris Grant Bursary, the adjudicator will review the original video submitted by each qualifier - a second submission will not be requested.
In competitions:
- 9.04 Nordell Cup
- 9.05 Anthony Glavin Cup
The full sonata is to be submitted. There will be no final.
In competition:
- 9.10 Senior Pianoforte Solo
both test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted.
In competitions:
- 12.01 The Patricia Read Memorial Cup
- 12.05 The Rhona Marshall Cup
There will be no final. The competition will be adjudicated on the initial submission.
- 12.03 The Dorothy Stokes Cup.
- 12.07 Junior Pianoforte Solo (A)
- 12.08 Junior Pianoforte Solo (B)
- 12.09 Junior Pianoforte Solo (C)
- 12.10 Junior Pianoforte Solo (D)
- 12.11 Junior Pianoforte Solo (E)
Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
Sight-reading competitions
10.01 The Larchet Cup and 10.02 The Fritz Brasé Cup will not take place in 2021. (Competitors will be refunded).
Guidelines for Organ competitions:
- 13.02 Test piece (a) and own choice piece (b) to be submitted
- 13.03 Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
- 13.04 Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
- 13.05 Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
Guidelines for Woodwind competitions:
In the following competitions:
- 15.01 Junior Flute (A)
- 15.02 Junior Flute (B)
- 15.03 Junior Flute (C)
- 15.04 Junior Clarinet (A)
- 15.05 Junior Clarinet (B)
- 15.06 Junior Oboe
- 15.07 Junior Bassoon
- 15.08 Junior Saxophone
- 15.09 Junior Recorder Descant (A)
- 15.10 Junior Recorder Descant (B)
The official accompaniment will be made available to each competitor (in the competitor's portal) and must be used.
Guidelines for Brass competitions
In competitions:
- 17.01 Junior French Horn (A) Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
- 17.02 Junior French Horn (B) Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
- 17.03 Junior Trumpet/Cornet (A) Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
- 17.04 Junior Trumpet/Cornet (B) Test pieces (a) and (b) to be submitted
- 17.06 Junior Brass Instrumental - Both test pieces to be played
The official accompaniment will be made available to each competitor (in the competitor's portal) and must be used.